Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Less Than One Week

This Sunday, I leave this country.

Minneapolis/St. Paul to Philadelphia to London to Belfast. Be there by the afternoon of the 7th.

I decided I needed a separate place to keep everything straight. So, ladies and gents and stalkers and amblers and everyone else, this is where I'll be keeping a little journal if you will of my time in Northern Ireland. I'll always appreciate your responses and encouragement. And if nothing else, I'll take the time to post photos on here of everything I will be blessed to witness and discover.

Be praying for me.

(And by the way, something I discovered when testing out fonts for the design: did you know there's a font called "Covered By Your Grace"? Makes me want to use it, despite being a little too quirky upon first glance.)


  1. I love that there's a font called that. :)

    I've been praying. Have a blessed and life-changing time. :)

  2. Oh gosh, I can't imagine the feelings you were feeling then!! Excitement but nervousness... A lot.

    I want to pray for you and continue to hear about it as you are in Northern Ireland.

    I also love that font. Can you show us? Or have you already used it?
