Friday, April 22, 2011

We haven't talked much this week, I see...

It really was a strange sort of week. I don't feel I got much of anything accomplished.

The KFC program on Tuesday went well, except for the fact that I got a headache during the end of it--a rare occurrence for me. (Oh, and here they don't call it a headache, they'd call it a "sore head".) I guess I need to work on my sleep and hydration patterns. Time to invest in an aluminum watter bottle or something.

Following the program, because of Holy Week, we went down to a special youth event at the Church of Ireland and just kind of hung out with the kids. I laughed along with a couple girls after one dropped her ice cream cone in the bathroom--oh, to be 15 again! And I stayed up much too late that night with all my thoughts pooling up and then running around once the lights were off in my bedroom.

Wednesday, Ben's car went out of commission. Now he's been demoted to bicyclist, and we've been demoted to bumming rides/working from home today. There's so much to get done before next Wednesday (as that's when our 4-day long StreetReach event begins, which I'll inform you of later), plus next Tuesday's KFC lesson, plus we have Monday off as a holiday...AY YAI YAI. Lord, give me patience...and speed when Tuesday comes.

Yesterday was just kind of depressing. But the intern from the Church of Ireland came in with a gaggle of teens, so that brightened my day for the 20 minutes they were in the Centre.

I really shouldn't be so down. I've got so much to be thankful for.

I'm starting to get back into the Word again.
I get to sing and lead worship during StreetReach, something I've always wanted to do.
I got to Skype with girls on Wednesday, and get to do so again tonight.
I received a package from one girl on Wednesday with Bananagrams and a card inside.
I received another package from my mom this morning with a load of Easter stuff inside!
I have fantastic friends, even if they are just as stranded as I am at the minute.
I got into the best housing possible at Crown next year, which will keep me sane after leaving NI.
And to top it all off, I'm in stinking EUROPE. Living in Northern Ireland. Every single day.

So, today, I'm going to enjoy my day off. I should take it as a work-from-home day, but I doubt I will. I'll take advantage of the sun, of the time to knit and watch some garbage on TV, of the time and space to deal with some of the thoughts rushing through my head of late. It'll be a good day.

Oh, and a shout-out:
Aunt Kathy, next time I go to the store I'm going to be looking for the ingredients for all those fab recipes. :)

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