Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, a.k.a. a day of soup, tea, and laundry

No plans today, and that's swell. I didn't even set an alarm to wake up this morning, which meant my day didn't start until 11:30am (something I would've hated when I was back in the States, but something I'm growing used to now that I'm here and the days are much calmer). I've been listening to this song all day thus far, and will continue to do so until the lyrics are swimming around in my head.

This evening:
Playing my worship music as loud as I can stand, and spending a chill night at home by myself, as Lexie is going to a youth event at a church in Belfast with a group of friends. (I would go, but I think I need a night alone. Always having a shadow/being a shadow is not a way to live.)
Skype date with Dianne and Becca from Crown, YES. Love these girls. And simply cannot wait to see their faces and hear their voices.
Cleaning the bathroom, perhaps. I know, not exactly a fun task...but I always feel refreshed after it's done. Hopefully tonight will have the same effect.
Taking it easy with soup and tea. I will get rid of this sinus cold. I will, I will.

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