Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oh hey, so I'm still alive...


I am absolutely wrecked. (Catch that Northern Irish, have you?) After the Americans arrived on Monday, my life was consumed with looking after the new kids, showing them their lockers and their classrooms and holding their hand to the bus stop. Bringing them their meals and making sure they sleep at night. My oh my, what a week.

But really, I have learned a lot:

I'm not ready to leave Northern Ireland behind. After spending so much time with Minnesotans, I've realised how much I really do love Minnesota, but it would be the biggest heartache ever to leave here and be planted in Minnesota for much more than a year.

But nevertheless, being around Americans again has made me miss my own Americans. My Crown friends, my family, my few remaining connections from high school. It's made me miss the random texts I'd get from people, or phone calls for an hour and a half about everything and nothing, all at the same time. It's made me miss going to the library with my mum on Saturdays, and driving by myself down that glorious 10 mile stretch of Hwy 9 to New Rome, and hearing the dogs bark as soon as you pull into the driveway after a full shift of pizza orders. It's made me miss Arlington a wee bit, even. A level I never really thought I would hit.

I've two months remaining now here in Dungannon, and I intend to live them to the full. One month from now, I'll be with my family and what a strange experience that will be, my two worlds crashing into one. Awk well, I'm absolutely certain they will love it here--as they should.

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