Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Day Out

Yesterday, I was in a car for a very long time.

Around lunch, Ben and Karen came to pick me up for a drive to Belfast for Ben to practice a guitar set with a girl there (they're playing at a coffee shop later this month). But because the girl was in Dromore, we had to go there first to pick her up and then go to her house. Ay yai yai. I am certainly not used to long drives anymore, obviously. Because for some time in there, all I wanted to do was jump out.

But Courtney was a fine girl, and a fine host. Her dog is insane, though. He's a collie, and just a pup, so I can't blame him. He knows more tricks than I do (I'd compare him to my dogs, but anyone could beat them in trick-knowledge), so he's obviously not an idiot. But one thing's certain--he is a jumpy wee thing. And large(ish) jumpy dogs annoy me. So that was an unpleasant experience...I'm sure he'll be a lovely dog once he's no longer a pup, but for the time being I just can't handle it.

Following the jam session, we ventured back to Dromore and I met Ben's parents and saw his cute wee house. Every house I walk into here looks completely different, I swear. (Well, except the ones in town--those all look the same in their set-up.) But his is great. What I saw of it.

Anyway, once back to Dungannon and dropping Karen off because she wasn't feeling well at all, Ben and I went to Papa John's for pizza for dinner. And we had a couple heart-to-hearts, which was quite a relief on my end. And I did let him know to expect the fact that between him and Karen, I'll probably be better friends with him just because I always tend to be better friends with the guys of couples than the girls.

And I talked about my fear of being like Paul, single forever and ever because that's the life that God chose for him. And even if it's encouraged by Paul, I don't think I could do it. If I have to be a table-for-one forever, that would be the pits beyond all pits. Ben's opinion on the matter was, "Well, God gives you the desires of your heart, and if you desire a man then he'll give you one." But what if my heart is a big mess and not following God's will at all? I've got a lot to wrestle with these days. (Good thing it's not affecting my sleep patterns anymore, though.)

Well, those are my thoughts. Today Lexie and I are speaking a little blurb about ourselves at the morning church service, so I'm hoping that goes well enough. Really, I just hope I understand the accent of whoever's asking us the questions, because that would be embarrassing. I'll let you know how it goes...

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