Monday, August 29, 2011

Crown, You Kill Me

Today was a very stressful day. Here's why:

Yesterday, I moved back to school. It's not that I don't love Crown College. I absolutely do, and my time here has been beneficial and I haven't regretted it. But adjusting back to Crown's student life has been more difficult than I anticipated. First of all, the fact that friends of mine who weren't in relationships when I left are now engaged with wedding dates and everything throws me off. Crown moves at such a rapid-fire pace that I don't know what to do with it, so I find it's best to just take a breath, talk to my best level-headed friends (you know who you are) and get back to the real world. The world outside of College View Drive.

I just felt so confined today, like every direction I turned there was someone waiting and watching. Not in a stalker-esque way, or like George Orwell's all-seeing and all-knowing Big Brother, but more that someone was always waiting to take my place. It's difficult to describe, but that's how I felt.

It's not that I want to feel normal. It's that I never want to go back to Crown's way of going about some things, and when seemingly everyone else around you feels the opposite of that...well, it makes for some rather difficult moments.

I love culture shock, it's totes my fave. Especially when it leads to near panic attacks, and especially when such events happen in public places.

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