The pastor started out by mentioning the Lord's Prayer, and how Jesus said, "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." If we want to see the Lord's Prayer actually happen, and see that will be done, then we need to be obedient to the will and do His will.
So, what follows are my few wee thoughts I quickly jotted down on the back of an offering envelope. I likely could have written for pages, but I used the space I had...
Here we go:
I want to see God's will done on Earth.
I want to see mouths fed, broken legs mended, leprosy cast out, and strong foundations built.
I want to see life spring up from fields of death.
And if I want to see all these things happen by Jesus' hand, then it's time to be the hands.
If I want to see the Spirit bring life to people, it's time to b e a temple and bear the Spirit in the dark places.
If I want to see the dirt washed clean, it's time to really and truly walk out holiness in my steps.
I want to see justice in this world. I want to see real compassion and real mercy.
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