So, hacking people's Facebooks, or "fraping" as it's been termed here (whereas in the States we just say "hacked"), is quite popular. Any chance you get to do it to someone, you're to do it. Well, depending on the group of friends I would guess. But my friends here would be SUPER intense about it. And they all have Facebook on their phones (Blackberrys, that's where it's at...who wants to buy me one when I get home?), so it generally happens as just a status update but I've seen it get as bad as changing one's name, profile picture, gender, orientation, EVERYTHING.
I immediately had a principle when I learned about this phenomenon that I wasn't going to take part. Generally speaking, the frapes can be a tad sexually explicit...actually, I can't think of one that wasn't sexual in any way. And not only do I not want my own to be changed up, but I also don't think that's as hilarious as the Brits do. I'm not a prude, but I do strive to uphold Leviticus 11:44 when the Lord says, "Consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, for I am holy." And changing someone's status to say "I want bummed" isn't exactly my idea of holiness. I don't know that Jesus would be super-de-duper pleased with that.
But yesterday, I took my shot. I knew the password to Ben's desktop, and I got back to the Centre after having lunch at The Press (the coffee shop open Fridays at the Vineyard Church) before Ben did. So I logged on and changed his status to something more harmless than pocket lint. More harmless than the color yellow. More harmless than marshmallows on top of a mug of hot chocolate.
All it said was "Emily Petzel it the coolest person I know, hooray!" And because I finally went for it, and Ben found out, he changed his computer's password.
Dang it.
Apparently, he knew I was up to something as soon as he walked into the Centre and I was smiling just a tad. Because you see, I really cannot lie. I can never keep a straight face after doing things like that, because I'm always so amused with it that I just want everyone to know even though that would defeat the purpose.
All this to say, I did enjoy myself yesterday. Even if it does mean I lost my chance at ever using Ben's computer again.
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