I think I was spoiled by all that incredibly sunny, Irish-summer weather (a.k.a. much like a Minnesotan spring) that we've had for the past 2 weeks. Because today, it rained. A truly Northern Irish rain. Where it just kept coming in drizzles and drops, and soaked into your skin even when you're inside. Where your bones feel chilled and you can't quite get warm. Where you're just praying for a wee pinprick of sunshine to come through and bring you a moment of escape. A moment of warmth. A moment of a smile.
That, and I was bored all day at the Centre. BFF Ben was out wrangling up a new car finally (yeah, no more begging for lifts!), and Lexie was doing her own thing, which meant a lot of time alone. With my own thoughts. A dangerous thing for me on days like these.
However, tonight I am determined to find a wee bit of sunshine to brighten me up before bed. And I plan to find it via a fun movie (yet to be determined which one, I wish I could watch Netflix here...), a cup of tea, and some knitting. I'm nearly finished with the sock I'm currently working on, just the cuff left to go...and I realize this will only be interesting to my mum to read, but that's okay by me.
Anyway, I'm off to try and make the best of my wee night at home.
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