This will be a good year, even if it is so far away from the country I love.
This will be a good year, because I have an awesome roommate for my first semester of my senior year. And though I've no clue who I'll be living with that second semester (due to marriage of said roommate over the Christmas break), I have no doubts it'll fair well. Because the Lord is good. And he has good things in store.
This will be a good year, because I finally get to have an apartment, the thing I've been dreaming about for ages now. To have my own wee kitchen with my own things, to have my own living room--not some communal floor where everyone shares and nothing is just yours. Call me selfish, call me prideful, but I like to have my things be my things. I used to apologize up and down for that, but no more.
This will be a good year, because though I'll be busy busy busy, I know there will be good things tied in there as well. Things like coffee dates with mentors of all sorts and ages, and visiting friends, and having weekly After Eights with a fantastic friend, and much much more. And Skype calls with my wonderful Northern Irish friends who haven't forgotten about me for a second, nor I them.
Oh, aye. I'll be alright this year.
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