Friday, June 10, 2011

New Day

Suddenly, I feel charged.

Maybe it's that, during my one-on-one meeting with my supervisor yesterday, I brought up that I want to come back to Northern Ireland after graduation. And she told me, "Awk, what's college anyway--sure, just stay here right now," and then saying, "If you do want to come back to either Dungannon or anywhere in Northern Ireland or even in the South, just keep in contact with me and I'll set you up with one of my contacts." SCORE. Though I do want to stay in the North, it's so good to know how vast the options are. And that she's just an email away, even when I'm across the pond + halfway across the States.

And today, I'm realizing that there are going to be so many smiling, happy, and eager faces waiting to greet me once I'm in Minnesota. And maybe that makes me vain or prideful or conceited or something, but that's a really good feeling. To know that I've been off having an adventure for five months (when it's all said and done, that is), and that there's people waiting to hear about it. Waiting to see photographs. Waiting to have the stories unfolded. Waiting for me, just a 20-something kid who went off to do an internship.

Those are the kinds of thoughts that just wrap around you like a big ol' hug, and I like them.

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