Thursday, April 7, 2011

Staff Day: To The Coast!

I didn't step one foot into the office today. Oh, no. Today was a staff day, intended just for the interns and our supervisor. It was an adventure day. And I knew nothing about where we were going.

So, Lexie and I are picked up from the house, told to remember tennis shoes, and off we went. And about 20 minutes later, we were finally told where we were headed: the North Coast! This is the one place in Northern Ireland that everyone has told us to go to--"Oh you're here from America, are yous? Awk, lovely. Have you seen much? Be sure to go to the North Coast! Portrush is beautiful." And today, we finally did it.

After a two hour car ride (or something like that...), we made it to our destination. And it really was lovely. We walked and walked and walked, and nearly fell down cliffs (well not really, but the sides of the paths sure are steep), and then, we saw it.

And I'm not kidding you, it was really everything they said it would be. And I'm not an outdoors-y person, we all know. But I could've climbed those rocks for ages. I didn't mind the wind or the stairs or the huffing and puffing from walking in the least, because I got to see something today. Something that you can only see here in Northern Ireland. And it was beautiful. (Thanks, Lord, for putting all that together, by the way!)

After the trip home, I went out with a group of friends to the cinema (movie theatre) and saw Lincoln Lawyer--which, to be honest, I went out for the social activity rather than the movie itself. But it was quite good. Not a waste of £5 at all. (And I don't even like Matthew McConaughy.) Then a Smarties McFlurry for dessert--a very good day, if you ask me.

(P.S. Smarties here aren't like the ones we have in the States. They're basically like M&Ms...but once when I compared them to that, I was told I was wrong though I don't see how...better yet, just look it up online.)

Oh, and I also learned today about something called a "chip buddy". Which I ate for dinner. What it is, is basically a chip (fry) sandwich, with buttered white bread and then whatever sauce you put on it. So weird. I didn't much care for it, but ate it I did. It felt like I was a kid back at home eating ruffled potato chips in a slice of bread and calling it "my new creation" or something. (And I confessed to the group that I'm always afraid they're going to try and convince me that some ridiculous food they just made up is actually quite popular and then make me eat it...which is why I was so hesitant to believe them when they were talking about chip buddies.)

Tomorrow: guitar lessons, starting some work on the prayer room perhaps, planning out my future mural, and maybe trying to weasel some weekend plans out of someone so I can have a life again.

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